Jewish Allstars
Character, Illustration, Portraits, PrintJewish Allstars

JEWISH ALLSTARS – German sportsidols between success and persecution.
Portrait Series of 17 jewish sportslegends. Published as part of the European Maccabi Games in Berlin 2015.

Order the complete JEWISH ALLSTARS Set with very nice booklet (german and english language) by Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung. (only 1,50 €)

editors: Stephan Felsberg & Tim Köhler
illustrations: Thomas Gronle
biographies: Martin Brand & Robert Kalimullin
accompanying text: Hans Joachim Teichler
graphic design: die superpixel
exhibition: Zwischen Erfolg und Verfolgung

Alfred + Gustav Flatow, Gretel Bergmann, Helene Mayer, Julius + Hermann Baruch, Lilli Henoch, Martha Jacob, Rudi Ball, Sarah Poewe, Walther Bensemann, Julius Hirsch, Gottfried Fuchs, Ralph Klein, Emanuel Lasker, Nelly Neppach, Erich Seelig