
Online Comic – Dr. Nordten

Character Design, Comic, Web Design

Online Comic – Dr. Nordten

Online Comic – Dr. Nordten
Nordten Matrix02 onlinecomic Bugg Thomas Gronle legron Berlin Illustration
Nordten Start onlinecomic Bugg Thomas Gronle legron Berlin Illustration

Online Comic „The adventures of Dr. Nordten“. Winner of the GOLDEN AVATAR at Frankurt Book Fair 2003. Concept and realisation together with Holger Marseille.

The comic use the medium internet as a specific means for storytelling using common elements e.g.: scrolling, buttons, windows etc.

Read The Adventures of Dr. Nordten (Flash version)

Nordten Bazooka onlinecomic Bugg Thomas Gronle legron Berlin Illustration
Nordten Matrix onlinecomic Bugg Thomas Gronle legron Berlin Illustration

Captured movie of Dr. Nordten online comic.

Nordten Virus onlinecomic Bugg Thomas Gronle legron Berlin Illustration
Nordten ape02 onlinecomic Bugg Thomas Gronle legron Berlin Illustration
Nordten Pac Man 02 onlinecomic Bugg Thomas Gronle legron Berlin Illustration

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