

Character Design, Game Design
Skizze Samsung Einbaubackofen Twincooking Kueche Ofen Character Design Thomas Gronle Illustration Game Animation Berlin

Game Design for a Kinect motion control cooking game. Samsung used the game to showcase a new oven at their trade fair booth.

Animation: Jonas Greulich, programming and sound design: Holger Marseille

Client: Samsung, Agency: Brandatmoshere Berlin

Watch the game below in the captured mouse version:

Samsung Kinect Einbaubackofen Twincooking Character02 Design Thomas Gronle Illustration Game Animation Berlin
Icons07 Samsung Einbaubackofen Twincooking Kueche Ofen Character Design Thomas Gronle Illustration Game Animation Berlin

Samsung stand at the trade fair.

Messe Samsung Kinect Einbaubackofen Twincooking Character blau Design Thomas Gronle Illustration Game Animation Berlin
Blumen Samsung Einbaubackofen Twincooking Kueche Ofen Character Design Thomas Gronle Illustration Game Animation Berlin
Icons06 Samsung Einbaubackofen Twincooking Kueche Ofen Character Design Thomas Gronle Illustration Game Animation Berlin
Icons05 Samsung Einbaubackofen Twincooking Kueche Ofen Character Design Thomas Gronle Illustration Game Animation Berlin

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